Thursday, March 21, 2013

My roomie, bless his soul, has an asthmatic reaction to the smoke, which is always followed by an infection of the sinuses or lungs. So, The stoner channel, he cant join either. But stick him in a room of buzzed, and he will get an empathic contact high even if he never smelled the product. So, life at least gives him that.

this post was meant as a joke and i realize that, but that is no reason to preach intolerance. youre dehumanizing non-smokers when you say their complaints are not legitimate, youre saying that you are better than them, which is ing garbage.

8. I feel like getting high today - For us potheads, getting high is a way of life. To say that one wishes to get high today is downright insulting to marijuana culture as a whole.

2. I cant be high around my boyfriend - Ex-ing-cuse me? You cant be high around your boyfriend? Unless he is next in line to be President, this is just incomprehensible. If you hold off on smoking for the sole reason that you think you will be judged by your significant other for being high, dump him immediately. Dont you want him to get to know the

9. Can you light it for me?! - So lets say you do manage to coax your non-smoking friend into a blaze sesh which obviously consists of 5 shared hits leaving her high as a kite and leaving you sober and annoyed, because after breaking up the weed, packing the bowl, and lighting it for her, you practically just smoked FOR her, minus the inhalation, which is obviously the only ing part that matters.

Sorry Bill, who are you? Im assuming you just got a GED, because even though I just wake and baked, your lack of logic is actually kind of insulting. Trust me when I say youll never have to worry about being demonized by stoners/stoner betches, because you are one harsh buzzkill.

this is a terrible post. can you not understand they have their own reasons to smoke or not? honestly i dont like how it feels is so ing legitimate, people have different brain chemistry, people respond differently to different situations. Some people are gay, some are straight, and others have preferences between the two, the same applies for preferences to pot.

for some reason certain strains just ruin me and send me into a feverish nausea hell and like that happens. others take me to stoner heaven. its a gamble.

Oh, by the way, some people dont like the way it makes them feel because they are the type of person who freaks out easily. So that relaxed state might be great, until the paranoia kicks in, at which point they can no longer enjoy the ride. Ive seen it a few times to know. Experienced it a couple times too.

Your abilities to cope with normal life are clearly so dismal that you need to smoke in order to function.

I am just that much of a lightweight.

shut up, do u hear how stupid you sound

Hilariously bad article

3. I hate the way it smells -This is basically pothead blasphemy. Dont like the smell? You must also dislike the smell of freshly washed linens and homemade cookies you ing monster. This is one I truly cannot wrap my head around so I guess Ill accept it as one of the many things which separates stoners from mere mortals.

this is literally ridiculousa true betch doesnt give two s if some stoner is pissed at her for not smoking

As for the smell, well it might smell like wild grass and freedom to some. To others, it is a sickening scent that sends them running.

I agree with every single thing you. down to the GOT DAMN examples. Im pretty, Im pretty up there right now

careful with the addy+weed combo if you have a weak heart. collapsing on the dirty street during a munchie run is not a bit betchy.

It is one thing to spark up a doobie and laced at a party, but it is quite another to be fried all day

Seriously I HATE when everyone just wants to watch something funny and I think you may be my twin because rando Netflix documentaries and specifically the Allison intervention episode are perfect for smoking. I die.

this is the betches that i love! have the stoner betch write for all these ty new people, shes actually good!

high you?

Yes, a smoking session in the morning DOES wipe me out most of the day. So does low doses of pain killers and anti-anxiety drugs (which are prescribed for me). So if I say I cant partake because I have XYZ later that day, it is because I do not function well after enjoying a few hits.

On a more serious note,new york asian escort model almost my entire mily have smoked for almost their entire lives, so dont even think about calling me ignorant of it. Stoners ARE annoying. Fuck stoners. Lets put them on an island somewhere and let them get baked and starve to death.

5. Ill ll asleep! - Excuse me, are you a toddler? This is probably the most common go-to for non smokers and it is also one of the most frustrating. How about this: dont ll the asleep. Or take a ing Adderall. Assuming you havent just chased several bars with pinot (in which case you are excused, Carrie Mathison), then I promise you are capable of physically holding open your eyelids for the remainder of this stoner session. If Mandy Bynes can do it long enough to operate a vehicle all the way down Sunset Boulevard without dying, you can make it through the next 20 minutes.

6. I just dont like the feeling - This one is hard for us weed enthusiasts to even begin to contemplate. Whats not to like? The warm feeling that permeates your entire body? The immediate relaxation? The disappearance of your anxiety? The way it makes Kraft mac-and-cheese taste like Daniel and Call Me Maybe sound like Beethovens 9th symphony?

Do you honestly think your abilities to cope with normal life will still be so severely impaired hours after smoking?

4. It hurts my throat! - So does sucking dick, but I dont see that stopping you. Sorry, I really just dont take well to peoples blatant talk of my best friend Marijuana. What I mean to say is, dont be a little . The only time that there will ever be a painful aftermath from smoking will be following a monstrous and impressive hit, in which case that slight pain in your throat is something to celebrate, for within seconds you will be so high youll forget you even have a throat.

TL;DR? Everyone is different. If they dont want it, do they really need to give you an excuse for saying nThe Stoner Series Top 10 Annoying Things Non-Stoners Say The stoner channelo? Just nod and pass it to the next one.

Hello stoner community, we hope your highs are settling in nicely today. For weeks now weve explored various parts of our own culture, but now were going to devote a post to those who live outside our cloud of smoke. But more specifically, what happens when our worlds collide, and non-stoners try to engage in weed-related activity with us. Since these people are practically a new species of virgins, they all tend to have the same exact clueless commentary. Here is our chance to say to them what we would never say in person because thatd be like reallll awkward, and also theyd probably refuse to get high with us after...or else theyll just inevitably claim we only said these things because we were rookies.

10. Lets watch something funny! I want to laugh! - After the munchies have begun and the Snuggies procured, its time to pick the post blaze entertainment, which as any pothead can tell you, is a terribly daunting task. So many options! A documentary about child drug mules in Malaysia, an episode of Intervention about computer duster addiction, the ing infomercial channel. But of course, when you ask the non-stoner what their preference is, they will have only one answer: something funny! Ugh. Now dont get us wrong, obviously we love quality comedy as much as the next pothead. But really there are only so many times I can watch Pineapple Express (I mean Ill obviously still laugh at I thought the hurricane season was over), but regardless, the non-smokers entertainment choice is just so amateur. Like no , really, you want to laugh? Wow, it must have been that one hit you took that gave you such insight.

After being a heavy smoker and weed smoker for about 6 years (quit about 7 years ago), I can safely say that stoners piss me. Just look at this bull. They treat cannabis like a way of life and try to coax others in to thinking like them. No, I dont want to smoke with you, or see you, or smell you, or hear you. Go be a ing stoner somewhere else.

if you say anything that was listed above then ur a newb and weed doesnt want you to smoke it so leave it alone ha

1. I cant smoke, I have to [enter activity here] several hours from now / I want to go to the gym later and dont want to ruin my diet! - Just because were stoners doesnt mean were idiots. Obviously there are (very few) times in life when being even a trace of high is not good, such as a court hearing for that little oopsy DUI from freshman year or a one-on-one lunch with your AA sponsor. So if such activities are on your horizon, I guess I can understand holding off on the greens. But if something like studying or the dentist is on your afternoon/evening to-do list and we are still in the ing AM, please explain to me why you cant take one measly little bong rip? Do you honestly think your abilities to cope with normal life will still be so severely impaired hours after smoking? Perhaps if youre sprinkling your bowls with crystal meth.

7. I get so awkward!! - This is one of the few complaints that actually has some legitimacy, because even serious stoners have experienced the social incapacitation that sometimes comes with getting high. However, this is particularly annoying because what these noobs do not understand is that there is nothing wrong with being QUIET. Just because there is a moment of silence in the group doesnt mean its sooo awk! Thats called a stoned silence which means the entirety of the group is probably too high to even realize no one is speaking.

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