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Figure 2 shows my MSDN Magazine Ticker gadget (that shows scrolling article headlines from the most recent issue) and a weather gadget (that ships with Windows Vista) in both their docked and floating states. The weather gadget is an excellent example of a gadget that provides a richer experience when floatingit goes from giving just the current temperature to giving a detailed three day forecast. The MSDN Magazine Ticker gadget doesnt display any additional information; it simply expands to show the same information in a wider format.

If you plan on doing anything interesting within your gadget, youd better brush up on your JavaScript. You can code with any scripting language that is supported by Internet Explorer 7, but you will find that most of the gadget samples on the Internets are written in JavaScript.

In the sample presented here, all of the HTML for the gadget is created dynamically from within the gadget.js JavaScript file. You could include most of the markup in the main HTML file, but what fun would that be?

I settled on the idea for an RSS reader that displays news headlines. As this sample is for an MSDN Magazine article, it seemed like an obvious choice to use the RSS feed for all articles in the current issue of the magazine (this is available at msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/rss/rss.aspx). Imagine how dynamic and informative you could make this gadget if you were to use a feed of news or sports headlines, or even multiple feeds federated into one data source.

This uses the Cabarc.exe utility to generate a CAB file. (Cabarc.exe is a free Microsoft tool that is installed with Visual Studio. Its also available separately as part of the Cabinet SDK, which you can download from support.microsoft.com/kb/.)

In this article, I explore the major parts of a Sidebar gadget and then demonstrate how these elements come together to create a sample gadget: an MSDN Magazine Ticker for the Windows Vista Sidebar. Note that I focus strictly on developing Windows Vista Sidebar gadgets. Thus, when I use the term gadget, I am referring specifically to a Sidebar gadget. (If youre interested in developing SideShow gadgets, see Jeffrey Richters article in the January 2007 issue of MSDN Magazine.)

Debugging JavaScript has always been tricky. Many developers have resorted to placing alerts in their code to display the values of certain variables. This, however, is not an elegant solution. A better method involves using Visual Studio (or even the free Visual Web Developer™ 2005 Express Edition).

Next, I set up the onunload event that will be called as the gadget is destroyedeither as the user closes the gadget or when Sidebar is shut down. Again, this is done to free up any references that may cause memory leaks. It is also your last chance to save any settings if need be. Ill talk all about settings a little later in the article.

Keep in mind that you cannot control the location of the flyout. Sidebar determines the location based on screen real estate and the position of the gadget itself. For example, the flyout could be displayed to the left or to the right of the gadget. Or even below it.

My sample gadget is also a lot more compact that the feed gadget that ships with Windows Vistaits a mere 57 pixels high (versus 175 pixels for the deult gadget). This is great for on a smaller screen (or a cluttered Sidebar) where real estate is at a premium.

A Sidebar gadget can be a powerful and handy little tool. So you might be surprised by how easy they are to create. In ct, if you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (and I suspect many of you already do), youre well on your way.

Then create a file that contains the code shown in Figure 7 and name it alert.vbs. Now you can continue to use alert and confirm as you wish.

Note that Sidebar gadget flyouts are system modalonly one can be displayed at a time. If the user clicks on Gadget A, causing a flyout, and then clicks on Gadget B, causing another flyout, Gadget As flyout will close. Furthermore, when a gadget loses focus, its flyout will close.

Lint was the original name given to a tool that flagged problem areas in C source code. It is now a general term applied to many source languages. One of the better lint applications for JavaScript is a free online tool called JSLint (available at

The gadget follows all of the recommendations given in this article: it uses a flyout to display detailed information when you click on a headline, it lets you select from three different feed reload times in the Options dialog, it changes size when moved to a floating state, and it supports several languages through the use of localization folders.

As you can see, your code will react differently depending on which local.js file is loaded by Sidebar. Cool, huh?

There are a few different methods you can use if you want to programmatically generate a gadget. In my projects, I create the following batch file called make.bat:

A user can access the options dialog by clicking on the wrench icon in the gadgets (see Figure 3), which appears when you hover over the gadget. When a user opens the options dialog of a gadget, Sidebar takes a snapshot of the gadget and displays the image as a small icon (see Figure 6).

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The MSDN Magazine Ticker

System.Gadget.settingsUI = settings.html; System.Gadget.onSettingsClosed = settingsClosed; function settingsClosed(p_event) //OK clicked? if (p_event.closeAction == p_event.Action.commit) //yes, read settings here

Language is obviously important, but why is location important? Location is actually very important for certain gadgets. Consider the weather gadget. You may display the word sunny to users in both the United States and the United Kingdom, but the location will determine whether you should display the temperature in Fahrenheit (US) or Celsius (UK).

Sidebar gadgets support localization by way of localized folders. Whenever Sidebar tries to load an asset (a gadget manifest, style sheet, image file, JavaScript file), it searches for the file in folders in the following order:

The flyout APIs are exposed from the System.Gadget.Flyout object. A flyout lives in a completely isolated window (with its own DOM) from that of the main HTML window. As such, you need to provide a separate flyout HTML file, along with any other necessary supporting files. The flyout file is specified by setting System.Gadget.Flyout.file to the name of the flyout HTML file.

What Is a Sidebar Gadget?


Windows Vista Sidebar already ships with a feed headlines gadget. What makes my sample unique is the way the information is presented. The headlines are displayed in a news ticker shion, like you see at the bottom of your TV screen on news channels.

The May 2007 issue of MSDN Magazine has an excellent feature on JavaScript titled Create Advanced Web Applications with Object Oriented Techniques by Ray Djajadinata. You should check it out if you havent already done so. This article will go a long way to helping you write a better gadget.

Im sure some of you are saying, No body onload? How will my code execute? I suggest that you get in the habit of attaching a function to the onload event of the window object. This code snippet shows how to attach to the onload and onunload events:

Figure 1 shows a typical skeleton XML definition file. As you can see, it is a standard XML file with a base element of gadget. Here is a list of the elements you should be most concerned with:

When I started developing Sidebar gadgets, I found this very refreshing. Over time, I began to take this for granted and when I recently had to design a Web page, I found myself getting vGadgetsery aggravated when I had to deal with cross-browser issues once again.

Donavon West is an independent consultant, CTO for LiveGadgets.net, and a Microsoft MVP for Windows Live Development. Originally from Chicago, he now lives in the Baltimore/Washington DC area. He is very active in the gadget development community, both with Windows Vista Sidebar and Web gadgets. You can reach him through his Web site at

// called when the docked state changes function dockStateChanged() if (System.Gadget.docked) System.Gadget.background = images/background.png; document.body.style.width = 130 else System.Gadget.background = images/background-undocked.png; document.body.style.width = 230

You can query the current state of a gadget with System.Gadget.docked. It returns true if docked, lse if undocked. There are also two events that you can monitor, System.Gadget.onDock and System.Gadget.onUndock, to determine when the docking state changes.

Reading and Writing Settings

There is an API you can use to cilitate communication between the main and flyout windows. System.Gadget.Flyout.document returns the Document object of the flyout window. You can use this from the main gadget window to dynamically generate HTML in the flyout window.

You can also package your gadget as a CAB file, which is the Microsoft native compressed archive format. Just generate the CAB file and then rename it with a .gadget extension. (By the way, if you ever try renaming a .gadget file with a .zip extension and Windows Explorer complains when you try to open this ZIP file, try renaming the file with a .cab extension instead.)

element.innerHTML = L_Hello; if (L_Degrees === 0) //load the Fahrenheit feed else //load the Celsius feed

Note that with the English local.js in the gadget root, the gadget will still function for non-supported locales, albeit in the llback language (in this case English). It is very important to support a deult language in your gadgets root folder. If you dont provide a deult language and someone uses a language that isnt supported by your gadget (meaning a language for which you have not created a subfolder), your gadget will display blank strings.

You cannot simply change the class of the document.body from within an onDocked or onUndocked event to change the height, width, or background image of a gadget (this is contrary to my initial expectations). Instead, you must specifically set the properties of the style object of the body element. To change the background image, use the System.Gadget.background API to set the filename of the background image. Heres an example:

function pageLoad() window.detachEvent(onload, pageLoad); window.attachEvent(onunload, pageUnload); //page initalization here function pageUnload() window.detachEvent(onunload, pageUnload); //gadget is closing, clean up window.attachEvent(onload, pageLoad);

simulate JavaScript alert() function sub alert(prompt) MsgBox prompt, 48 , Sidebar Gadget end sub simulate JavaScript confirm() function function confirm(prompt) dim res res = MsgBox (prompt, 33, Sidebar Gadget) if res=1 then confirm = true else confirm = lse end if end function

Note that there is an undocumented minimum height of 57 pixels for a gadget (whether docked or floating). The reason for this minimum is : the height of the when a gadget is in its floating state is 57 pixels (see Figure 3).

Settings are written using System.Gadget.Settings.write or System.Gadget.Settings.writeString. Both are passed a key/value pair.


As you look at the HTML for a gadget, youll notice that there is absolutely nothing that distinguishes it from HTML that you would code for a regular Web page. Here is the HTML code I use to start practically all of my Sidebar gadget projects:

In its st form, a gadget is made up of nothing more than an HTML file and an XML definition file. Of course, most gadgets include other files, such as image files (PNG and JPG), Gadgets style sheets (CSS), and scripting (JavaScript and VBScript source files). All of the content is stored in a ZIP file that is renamed with a .gadget extension. If you want, you can grab a gadget online, rename it with a .zip extension, and easily explore its contents. I recommend this as a good way to peek into other gadgets and see what theyre made up of.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ? gadget nameGadget Name Here/name namespaceYourCompanyNameHere/namespace version1.0.0.0/version author name=Company Name Here info url= text=Vist our Web site / logo src=logo.png / /author copyright 2007/copyright descriptionyour gadget description/description icons icon width=64 height=64 src=icon.png / /icons hosts host name=sidebar base type=HTML apiVersion=1.0.0 src=gadget.html / permissionsfull/permissions platform minPlatformVersion=0.3 / /host /hosts /gadget

Now that Ive covered all the basic components of a gadget, Id like to present a sample gadget that pulls all the parts together. The MSDN Magazine Ticker gadget is available as a download so you can install it or simply explore its contents.

Weve all been on Web sites and received the Invalid input, please try again alert and the Delete record. Are you sure? confirmation dialog. Developers often want to pop up informational messages like these.

Figure 9 shows a section of debugged code where the value of the variable refreshRate is 24. This form of debugging is very powerful. Once you try it, youll never go back to spattering your code with alert statements. Note that JavaScript debugging is vastly improved in the next version of Visual Studio code-named Orcas. You can read more about these new features at JScript Debugging in Visual Web Developer Orcas, and you can download Orcas Beta 1 at msdn2.microsoft.com/aa.

By using this method, function pageLoad is called well after the page loads (when the DOM is complete). Notice that the first thing I do in pageLoad is detatch the event. It is always a good idea to clean up after yourself in JavaScript to prevent memory leaks.

I should point out that while developing the main HTML file for a gadget is entirely like building a page that will be deployed online, the gadget implementation has a major advantage. You dont have to worry about cross-browser issues. Since your gadget will always be run under Internet Explorer, you can rely on support for Internet Explorer features, such as native PNG alpha support,new york escort and theres no need to write code to account for browser incompatibilities.

You need to instruct the gadget to enable the options icon. This is done by setting System.Gadget.settingsUI to the name of the HTML file, generally in the gadget initialization area of your script. You also need to set up a callback function for when the options dialog closes (so your gadget can read the new user preferences). You do this by setting System.Gadget.onSettingsClosed to the name of your handler, as shown here:

You may have noticed by now that Im a bit of a stickler for writing good, clean JavaScript, so please indulge me one more time on the subject. I strongly suggest that you lint your code before deployment. This will not only make your code better, but it may even root out some bugs before they happen.

Youve probably heard a lot of buzz lately about gadgetsthese are the lightweight applications that youve seen, for example, sitting on a Windows Vista™ desktop. There are actually three different types of gadgets supported by Microsoft. Sidebar gadgets are the ones that run on the Windows Vista desktop. Web gadgets are similar, but run on Live.com and Windows Live Spaces pages. SideShow gadgets run on devices such as secondary displays on laptops, remote controls, and computer keyboards.

The XML definition file, or manifest, is the glue that holds a gadget together. I am not sure about calling this file a manifest since it does not contain links to all of the files in the gadget; it only contains links to the main HTML file (which has links to the other files), a few icon files, and the gadget authors Web site.

Options Dialog

Docked and Floating

JavaScript is not a strongly typed language and if you use write and read, Sidebar will attempt type conversion. If you want to be absolutely sure what is written and read, consider using writeString and readString as these will assume strings. Depending on the type of data in question, you will have to determine which methods will work best.

I was a bit surprised to find that user settings are stored in a circa 1990 INI file instead of a more modern XML file. Fortunately, there are gadget APIs to read and write settings, so where and how the settings are stored is of little concern to you or your application.

There are a few caveats when it comes to creating your options UI. The width of the user area of the dialog is limited to a maximum of 300 pixels. There is no height limit, but the Microsoft UX Guide for Windows Vista Gadgets recommends a maximum width of 278 pixels and a height of no more than 400 pixels. If you need more room, you should probably create a tabbed dialog. I wont talk about how to implement a tabbed UI in this article, but there are plenty of resources on the Web to learn how you can do this.

Packaging Your Gadget

Notice that I use CSS style sheets. This is what will drive the look of my gadget. As with any Web page, style sheets are an essential part of designing good-looking gadgets. Thus a good understanding of CSS is critical when producing a professional-looking gadget.

The Main HTML File

Ive only scratched the suce of Sidebar gadgets to demonstrate how easy it is to get started. Theres so much more you can do. The Additional Resources sidebar has more information.

echo off rem remove/create a test gadget folder rd %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\ Gadgets\MSDNSample.gadget\ /s /q md %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\MSDNSample.gadget\ rem copy all of the files into test area xcopy . %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\ Gadgets\MSDNSample.gadget\ /y /s /q /EXCLUDE:exclude.txt cd %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\MSDNSample\ cabarc -r -p n %HOMEPATH%\Documents\MSDNSample.gadget

Many developers will likely support an English-only gadget, but if locale is important to you I recommend that you put all of your language-specific strings and location-specific variables in a single JavaScript file called local.js and place this file in the gadget root folder. Then create a folder for each locale that you are going to support and copy the translated versions of local.js into their respective folders. Here is an example of a local.js file in the root folder, representing en-us:

There are also events that can be captured by both the main and flyout code. These include onShow, which is called just after the flyout document has been created, and onHide, which is called just before the flyout document is destroyed.

You can programmatically show or hide the flyout by setting System.Gadget.Flyout.show to true or lse, respectively. And reading this value will tell you the current state of the flyout window.

The st way to create a package is with Windows Explorer. Select the files that make up your gadget, right-click, and select Send To Compressed (zipped) Folder.


Most of the elements in the definition file are used for displaying the gadget in the gallery. The one truly functional element is the src attribute of the base elementthis points to the HTML file that will kickstart the gadget. I make it a practice to name this file gadget.html, but any valid filename will do.

Now that you understand why you should never use eval, Im going to amend that rule to include that you should never place JavaScript text in an attribute inside of your HTML nor pass a string to setInterval or setTimeout. And when I say that you should never place JavaScript text in an attribute inside your HTML, this includes the body onload attribute, as this is interpreted internally just as an eval statement would be.

Simply place debugger statements in your code, wherever you need to check the value of a variable, then run the gadget. When JavaScript executes the debugger statement, you should see a popup that asks if you want to debug the application (see Figure 8). Choosing Yes will allow you to browse the entire gadget environment, including the DOM, and view the value of any variable created. Your gadget is essentially frozen in time.

As you can see from this example, when the handler is called, it is passed an event object specifically the System.Gadget.Settings.ClosingEvent event object. If the closeAction property of the ClosingEvent object contains a value of commit, this means the user selected OK and you will likely want to read the new settings. Otherwise, the options dialog was canceled and you can bypass reading of the preferences.

If you have worked with JavaScript for any time at all, you have probably heard the phrase eval is evil. If not, go ahead and look it up online. Ill wait.

For example, if you are running a US version of Windows Vista and your preferences are set to Spanish, Sidebar will first look in the folder es-us. If the file is not found there, Sidebar will then search the es folder. And finally, if the file is still not found, Sidebar will search the gadget root folder.

You can also use APIs from the Sidebar Gadget Object Model. These APIs provide a way for your gadget to intece with the system. For example, you can read the signal strength of your wireless network card, play a sound file, or determine the CPU usage.

From within Visual Studio 2005, I run make.bat, which I have set up as an external tool. The batch file creates a folder under the user gadgets folder (which is where gadgets are created when installed) and copies all of the gadget files into the new folder. My batch file also generates a .gadget file that is ready for distribution and places it in the Documents folder. When you use this method, there is no need to double-click on the .gadget file to install the gadget on your development machine. I love the technique as it allows me to keep other source files in my Visual Studio project folder (such as Photoshop PSD files) that I dont want to package with the gadget. If you do this, just be sure to place the names of the files you want to exclude in the exclude.txt file.

A flyout extends the user intece outside of the gadgets own borders. You can use this window for anything you wish. (There is no maximum size imposed for flyout windows.) A good example of a gadget that uses a flyout is the Stocks gadget that ships with Windows Vista. Clicking on a stock causes a window to fly out to the side of the gadget, displayinGadgets Build Your Own Windows Vista Sidebar Gg a graph of that stocks activity (see Figure 4). The Live Search gadget also uses a flyout, displaying search results for the query you entered. Figure 5 shows a flyout from our MSDN Magazine Ticker gadget. Notice that when a headline is clicked, the UI extends out from the docked gadget to show the article title, a description, and the authors name.

When you want to display Hello, you would use the variable L_Hello rather than the hardcoded string. And when querying the weather feed, you would use L_Degrees to request the proper format. This produces a greeting in the appropriate language and gives the temperature according to the users preferences. In your main JavaScript code, when you want to use a string or determine what to use for degrees, you would do something like this:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN html xmlns= head title/title meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 / link href=style.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css / script src=local.js type=text/javascript/script script src=gadget.js type=text/javascript/script /head body div id=gadget class=gadget/div /body /html

XML Definition File

When a gadget is nestled in the Sidebar, it is considered to be in the docked state. Once dragged onto the desktop, it is floating or undocked. As I mentioned, the maximum width for a docked gadget is 130 pixels. An undocked gadget has no restriction on width, allowing you to design an expanded view. You can take advantage of this extra room to provide a richer experience. (Microsoft recommends that you dont exceed 400 pixels square for an undocked gadget.)

What Happened to Alert and Confirm?

The implementation of a gadget is nothing more than an HTML page that is a maximum of 130 pixels wide. Though this isnt readily evident, the main HTML file (the one referenced in the XML definition file) is actually loaded into an Internet Explorer 7 window. There is, of course, no chrome surrounding this window and its location is controlled by Sidebar, but everything inside is basically a Web application. You have access to the DOM and most of the APIs as you would with a standard Web page. This means you can use AJAX techniques, create dynamic HTML elements, trap events, and so on. I will do all of these things, and more, as I walk you through the process of building my sample gadget.

I wanted my sample gadget to use all of the major features of a Sidebar gadget (flyouts, docked versus floating states, options, localization, and so on). But I also wanted the sample gadget to be . And it had to be somewhat useful.

I would like to point out that there is some ambiguity when it comes to the name of this dialog. When you right-click on a gadget, the gadget UI presents a menu that refers to this as Options. The API, however, refers to this as settings.


Sidebar, however, has disabled these JavaScript functions. Using popup dialogs goes against the Windows Vista UX guidelines for Sidebar gadgets. If you still feel compelled to use popups, you can emulate these functions.

Conversely, settings are read with System.Gadget.Settings.read or System.Gadget.Settings.readString. Both of these functions take a key and return a value. If the key does not exist (for instance if it has never been written) both will return a value of undefined.

The options dialog allows you to present the user with a list of gadget preferences. The user experience can be most anything you want. The dialog can be just like a regular Web page with radio buttons, checkboxes, and textboxes.

Monday, April 29, 2013


With the driver for the sound being wrong, it also made my gadgets on my desktop not work. I changed the driver and the gadgets worked. If you are having a problem with the sound, you may also have the gadget problem. Just a thought.

I like the ct that you can turn off the UAC. I know a lot of people hate it but, atleast M.S. had the sense to give the user control of it. But, Gadgets, if youre brave enough to turn it off; Win/7 should give you control over everything. I really dont think you should have to hack the registGadgets does not work !ery just because you consider yourself resopnsible enough to use the operating system without training wheels!

Windows 7 Forums is an open discussion forum,new york asian escort and member of the Microsoft Partner Network. This website is not owned or operated by Microsoft Corporation. All trademarks are copyright their respective owners.

I was having a problem with my gadgets not working or even having the option to use the gadgets. I was also having a problem with my sound cutting out completely. While fixing my sound problem, I got rid of the sound driver (I believe it was the 6.1.7000 driver that Windows Update updated the driver to) and after I installed the correct driver from my motherboard manucturer, my gadgets started to work again.

The fix soldado has provided only works for certain gadgets. They disabled the gadgets when UAC gets turned off because they didnt want any harmful gadgets to be put on machines. This is an amazing idea and is not a bug as Kyle has stated. It was purposely put there by microsoft.Yeah but, the hack worked!!!

The fix soldado has provided only works for certain gadgets. They disabled the gadgets when UAC gets turned off because they didnt want any harmful gadgets to be put on machines. This is an amazing idea and is not a bug as Kyle has stated. It was purposely put there by microsoft.

i am using windows 7 build 7000 and have no gadgets. I tried to turn on gadgets or run window sidebar but the system is broken , usage cpu very height and pc slow down. Anybody has the same ?, how can fix it ?. I am sure that i did not remove gadgets form program manager

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

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Note: The internal name is used as part of the name of a form field and must follow the rules defined for NAME attribute values. This means it must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), Gadgets hyphens (-), underscores (_), colons (:), and periods (.).

MediaWiki1.11+ (current version requires 1.19, versions for older MediaWiki (1.11+) are available here or from Git

Each line in MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition that starts with one or more (asterisks) characters defines a gadget; it must have the following form:

whitespace can be omitted. Single option can either consist of single option name (in this case it is a flag option), or contain a comma-separated list of values:

The first field ( in the example) is the gadgets internal name, and references a system message (MediaWiki:Gadget- in the example) that contains a short description of the gadget, using wiki syntax.

Selection of some gadgets at the user preferences in de.wikipediaThe list of available gadgets is defined on MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition. Once created with at least one valid gadget, gadgets defined there show up in the Gadgets section of Special:Preferences, so users can pick the gadgets they would like to use. An overview of the gadgets defined by MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition is also shown on Special:Gadgets, along with links to the respective system messages, for easy editing.

Gadgets are made up of JavaScript and/or GadgetsCSS snippets located on pages in the MediaWiki namespace. Each gadget is defined by a line in MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition, providing a name and description for the gadget, and a list of the JS and CSS snippets that it uses (see the Usage section below).

frobinatorcommonStuff.jsfrob.jsfrob.csspretty.css l33tcommonStuff.jstools.jsl33t.js

[options (can be omitted)] page names

Every gadget that at least partially uses ResourceLoader (that is, that has styles or compatible scripts) has its own RL module. The modules are named ext.gadget.gadget name.

Copy the Gadgets directory into the extensions folder of your MediaWiki installation. Then add the following lines to your LocalSettings.php file (near the end):

ImprovedDeletion [rights=delete] ImprovedDeletion.js

Options format:

option = value1, value2, value3

Here, we ask ResourceLoader to load modules jquery.ui and jquery.effects.clip with mygadget. Note that gadgets cant depend on scripts from pages, static files or external URLs, only on modules already registered in ResourceLoader. To make a script from a page depend on another script from a page, each should be a gadget which registers itself as a module in ResourceLoader,new york asian escort then they can be made to have dependencies.

ResourceLoaderNoneMarks gadgets scripts as compatible with ResourceLoader.?dependenciesComma-separated ResourceLoader module namesSee list of modules available by deult. Note that this option has no effect if current gadget has no ResourceLoader-compatible resources (i.e. no styles and scripts not marked as compatible).?rightsComma-separated privilege namesDisable the gadget (and make it invisible in preferences) for users who do not have these privileges.?skinsComma-separated skin namesMakes the gadget visible in preferences only to users who have these skins.?deultNoneMakes the gadget enabled by deult for everyone (including anons!) having the required user rights. Registered users can still disable it in their preferences.1.18You can specify extra dependencies for your gadgets, for example:

The list of gadgets in MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition can be broken into sections using lines that start and end with two or more = (equals) characters, enclosing the name of a system message that defines the sections name - for example:

mygadget[ResourceLoaderdependencies=jquery.ui, jquery.effects.clip]mygadget.jsmygadget.css

To make the gadget available only to users with appropriate permissions, set the rights option. For example,

This extension is being used on one or more Wikimedia projects. This probably means that the extension is stable ExtensionGadgets?and works well enough to be used by such high-traffic websites. Look for this extensions name in Wikimedias CommonSettings.php and InitialiseSettings.php configuration files to see where its installed. A full list of the extensions installed on a particular wiki can be seen on the wikis Special:Version page.


Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of Use for details.

The remaining fields on the line refer to the JavaScript or CSS code that makes up the gadget, contained in system messages (MediaWiki:Gadget-mygadget.js and MediaWiki:Gadget-mygadget.css in the example); the names of those messages must end with .js or .css, respectively. A gadget can use any number of code messages, specifically, common code can be put into a code message used by several gadgets, in addition to their own specific code, e.g:

Since Gadgets reside in the MediaWiki namespace (the list defining the gadgets as well as the actual code snippets), only sysops (aka wiki admins) can edit the code. This is as it should be: only users especially trusted by the wiki community should be able to edit JavaScript code that is used by other users, since JavaScript can easily be used to hijack accounts or spy on people.

Bugs:reportThe Gadgets extension provides a way for users to pick JavaScript or CSS based gadgets that other wiki users provide.

makes the gadget available only to users who can actually delete pages. Note that restrictions are based on permissions, not user groups like administrators or bureaucrats. Here are some real examples:

This would define a new section, with the title defined on the page MediaWiki:Gadget-section-intece-gadgets.

Each gadgets CSS is always loaded via the ResourceLoader. However, older JavaScript is often incompatible with RL, so every gadget must be explicitly marked as compatible in order to have its scripts loaded by RL. Otherwise, plain old script src=/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-&ill be used.

ExampleWikimedia Commons: Gadget overview, user preferences (click Gadgets; you need to be logged in of course)

== intece-gadgets ==

[option1 option2 ... optionN]

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Click the video at left to see the interviews and hear how the stars and Disney exectives are supporting this program to get kids and milies off the couch.

Examiner.com is a content destination powered by over 100,000+ independent contributors. Every week our cVideo Chat with Disney Channels Caroline Sunshine Alyson Stoner Kenton Duty? The stoner channelontributors post thousands of informative and entertaining articles designed to feed your curiosity on the subjects that you crave. The stoner channel

Barb Nefer lives in the thick of the Orlando attractions area. She has an annual pass to all the major theme parks, from Disney and Universal to Legoland Florida, SeaWorld and Busch Gardens. Besides the parks, she covers a wide range of Florida tourist attractions, restaurants, and hotels. You...

Click here to see some creative creations at the Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival. Click here to read more of my articles,new york asian escort and click here to follow me on Twitter.

The stars and atheletes are all very excited about bringing the healthy living message to kids and their milies, and Chef Gary detailed how Disney World is food offerings healthier and more friendly to people with allergies and dietary restrictions. Disney sponsored an essay contest and brought 50 winners and their milites to the Walt Disney World Resort this past weekend in honor of their suggestions on how to incorporate healthy choices into your own life and community. The initiative, which is supported by First Lady Michelle Obama, also has a website full of videos and tips.

Popular Disney Channel stars Caroline Sunshine, Alyson Stoner and Kenton Duty, along with athletes Mark Herzlich and Barrett Ruud and Heather Mizrahi and Chef Gary Jones of Disney World, were on hand at the kick-off event for Disneys Magic of Healthy Living this weekend. Click the video at left to see my interviews with each of them.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Windows Vista ships with eleven gadgets: Calendar, Clock, Contacts, CPU Meter, Currency Conversion, Feed Headlines, Notes, Picture Puzzle, Slide Show, Stocks, and Weather. Several other gadgets available during the Vista beta such as App Launcher, Feed Viewer, Number Puzzle, Recycle Bin and Egg Timer were removed. Windows 7 adds a Media Center gadget and removes the Contacts, Notes and Stocks gadgets. Desktop Gadgets were included in the developer preview and consumer preview of Windows 8, but removed from the Release to Manucture version. Windows Sidebar is not available on Microsoft Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2, or 2012.

The page also has links to help users disable the Sidebar and Gadget functionality of Windows out of concern for vulnerabilities.

In Windows 7, Windows Sidebar was renamed Windows Desktop Gadgets, and the sidebar itself is not included in Windows 7. But it can be reinstated on Windows 7 if the program files are copied over from Windows Vista.

Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

Microsoft Gadgets, Windows shellThe Windows Desktop Gadgets (called Windows Sidebar in Windows Vista) is a widget engine for Microsoft Gadgets, with program name sidebar.exe. It was introduced with Windows Vista,new york asian escort model in which it features a sidebar anchored to the side of the desktop. Its widgets, called Gadgets, can perform various tasks, such as displaying the time and date and showing the CPU usage.

Windows Sidebar Gadget Gallery, an unofficial successor of the Windows Live Gallery, providing all original Windows Desktop and Sideshow Gadgets, according to their own statements

As of Q4 of 2011, Microsoft retired the Windows Live Widget Gallery stating: In order to focus support on the much richer set of opportunities available for the newest version of Windows, Microsoft is no longer supporGadgetsting development or uploading of new Gadgets.

Originally, Microsoft provided a link to aWindows Desktop Gadgets web site called Windows Live Gallery where additional Sidebar gadgets that have been created by third party clients could be downloaded. The site was officially retired on October 1, 2011.

Citing security, Microsoft has released a Fixit tool to disable Desktop Gadgets on all operating systems.

Microsoft retired the Windows Live Widget Gallery in late 2011 when developing Windows 8. In subsequent months when vulnerabilities were publicized concerning exploitative Gadget apps, Microsoft recommends to current users to disable the Sidebar and discontinue using Gadgets.

The Windows Sidebar was rebuilt for and began to appear in Windows Vista builds in the second half of 2005. Some reviewers and Macintosh enthusiasts have pointed out the Sidebars similarities in form and function to Konbulator (now Yahoo! Widget Engine), which appeared several years previously, and the Dashboard widget engine first included with Apple Inc.s Mac OS X v10.4, which had been released a few months earlier.

Sidebar originated in a Microsoft Research project called Sideshow (not to be confused with Windows SideShow.) It was developed in the summer of 2000, Gadgets, and was used internally at Microsoft.

Text is available under the ; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

The Sidebar appeared in Longhorn build 3683 (Windows Vista) builds as early as September 2002, and was originally intended to replace the notification area or Quick Launch in Windows, but these plans were scrapped after the Longhorn reset in mid-2004.

It had many similarities to current desktop gadget software, including a clock, traffic reports, and IM integration.

Windows Desktop Gadgets contains mini-applications or Gadgets which are based on a combination of Script and HTML. They may be used to display information such as the system time and Internet-powered features such as RSS feeds, and to control external applications such as Windows Media Player. Gadgets can run docked in the sidebar or they can float anywhere on the desktop. It is also possible to run multiple instances of a gadget simultaneously.

I have a problem since one week, language translator gadgets, is not working, its shows unable to connect network. i have tried somany time somany ways, eventhough not working please give a solution for it.

bekkie October 13th, 2011 at 11:12 am

If you want to be a serious site get rid of that annoying pop-up!

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[...] This desktop gadget comes in handy all the time if you are like me and have to switch between languages every so often. Able to translate between 54 different. See the rest here: Language Translator Language Translator Gadget Windows 7 GadgetsGadget Windows 7 Gadgets [...]

NrG January 1st, Gadgets, 2012 at 2:25 am

Lauren December 4th, 2011 at 6:18 am

Angry Birds Free Download Angry Birds Free Download for Windows 7

Rating: 4.5/5 (161 votes cast), out of based on ratings Posted in: Socializing Gadgets


Here at Windows 7 Gadgets.net you will find reviews about desktop gadgets for the new Microsoft Windows 7 sidebar. Most gadgets usually work for Windows Vista as well, although we cant promise anything. We are happy to provide you with new and exciting desktop gadgets every week, and gladly accept recommendations for gadgets we could review, and other computer related cool stuff! Check out the RSS feed to stay updated. See you around!

Not a good tool to use, Ive tried it and it really is not comprehensive enough for any learner of Chinese, not sure about other languages. For most Asian languages translators are a bad choice unless each words pinyin and meaning are given both in and out of the context of the translation.

Jachard November 11th, 2010 at 6:22 pm

I have a problem since one week, language translator gadgets, is not working, its shows unable to connect network. i have tried somany time somany ways, eventhough not working please give a solution for it.

jack December 17th, 2011 at 4:44 pm

Since last for 2 weeks gadget for language translator doesnt work..whats wrong ? this gadget pritty much helpful for my working. they said unable to connect network please help

garry December 25th, 2011 at 6:34 pm


This webite certainly has ll the infmation nd ct I wanted about this subct nd didnt know who to ask.

Goggle is being mean. See

this gadget was really helpful for my work, but now it doesnt work anymore, UNABLE TO CONNECT! couple days b4 i say the NOTICE button, but i diddnt NOTICED,new york asian escort model damn it, does anyone noticed that, if yes please leave the weblink, TNX

This entry was posted on Friday, April 2nd, 2010 at 2:03 pm and is filed under Socializing Gadgets. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

inal December 7th, 2011 at 9:22 pm

Dan Screw December 9th, 2011 at 8:16 am

language translator gadgets, is not working, its shows unable to connect network.this gadget much helpful for my working,please help me tks .

I dont agree on this software doing a pretty good job translating text but I dont know, maybe for you, but for me, definitely no. I do get funny results using software translation tools when translating long articles and large documents.

vinothkumar January 21st, 2011 at 7:41 am

Admin June 23rd, 2010 at 4:16 pm


From December 2, 2011, Google has stopped their translate service to third-party. So, this gadget stop working.

I have a problem since one week, language translator gadgets, is not working, its shows unable to connect network. i have tried somany time somany ways, eventhough not working please give a solution for it.

Tags: language, Socializing Gadgets, translation

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Larry King. Larry KiGadgetsng said: Language Translator Gadget Windows 7 Gadgets Gadgets [...]

please tell me how i can get more languages for translator..i want Zulu and so-tho ext

Jambul December 10th, 2011 at 8:07 pm

Dj December 7th, 2011 at 12:51 am

its same to me UNABLE TO CONNECT Iwas using can anyone tell when will be fix?

Its all relative of course. Googles translation engine is pretty good compared to most others.

For 3 days Language translator gadget: Unable to connect network

its same to me UNABLE TO CONNECT Iwas using can anyone tell when will be fix?


rose ann December 3rd, 2011 at 12:58 pm

please send me detailed information about the translator gadget

I was using this translator before, but they have put a notice for inform us that they have a problem with google or something like that blablabla

[...]Language Translator Gadget Windows 7 Gadgets[...]

and so the connection wont work no more between the gadget and network, and if we want to continue to used we must gone to their website

dihaw dba December 22nd, 2011 at 1:38 pm

[...]Language Translator Gadget Windows 7 Gadgets[...]

missis December 6th, 2011 at 8:09 pm

i have same problem with this one.. could anyone can help us?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

(Photo: Patrick McMullan)he inevitable collapse of Miley Cyruss chipper-tween image continued last week when the Disney Channel singer was caught saying, “You know youre a stoner when friends make you a Bob Marley cake” on a leaked video from her birthday party. While Disney was no doubt chagrined that its asset had gone off-message again—a different video suced last year of Cyrus smoking the psychoactive plant salvia—those fearing a Lohan-style slide need not be worried. All drugs, The stoner channel, lets remember, are not created equal, and her (alleged!) constant fiending to spliff dank nuggets should be a boon for her personal and professional future.

By contrast, if youre an artist who has employees to schedule appointments and pay bills, the typical drawbacks of weed-smoking (slovenliness, excessive listening to Otis Redding) can be made irrelevant or even useful. If Jack Nicholson, Tom Petty, and Brad Pitt are any indication, it seems possible to have a long, consistently productive marijuana-fueled career. (Just speculating, of course!) There is one small downside to note: potentially tumbling through the gateway into crippling,new york asian escort terminal heroin addiction. But hey, every occupation has its hazards.

Consider Cyruss audience. She has what one presumes is a base of loyal ns who grew up watching her on Hannah Montana, as well as a more casual following of those who sheepishly enjoyed “Party in the USA.” The former are going to lose interest if she remains stuck in pubescence while they get older; the latter are going to lose interest if she doesnt make any more hit songs. Getting wicked, wicked baked could help on both fronts. It will allow her to grow with her young supporters, many of whom now or will soon enjoy being mad crunk themselves, even as it abets her Top 40 aspirations. The history of American music made by people who smoked pot is, well, the history of American music, from Louis Armstrong to Bob Dylan to the Notorious B.I.G. There is nothing more chilling for a music lover than to hear a beloved artist talking about healthy, clean living. We know what that music sounds like: solo-years Sting. Gross.

Cyrus also benefits by (apparently!) opting for an earthy-slacker weed jones over the more typical drug behavior of todays child-star-come-of-ager—i.e., doing lots of coke and driving an SUV into shrubbery. For one, hard drugs arent something “accessible” celebrities do. “I bet if we met we would really get along, just talking and smoking meth and getting arrested” is noNew York Magazine The stoner channelt a thing people think about their vorite singer or actor. Furthermore, even for those with very flexible professional schedules, uppers have a problematic tendency to totally incapacitate—see the wasted years of talents like Lohan and Robert Downey Jr.

In Defense of Miley Cyruss Adorable Child Star Rebellion

See Also

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Store (proper noun- place). A trashy bar in Chicago that is open until the wee hours of 5:00am. In this particular bar, you will find that the Mind Erasers flow like wine and the live music leaves much to be desired. If you happen upon this place on non-music nights,new york asian escort you may go home with someone special. BEWARE! His home might be under a bridge. There are some seriously creepy bums at this bar. I dont mean bums who sit at the bar and mumble their sorrows to their beer and eye-rape you from a safe distance. Im talking about a new breed of highly interactive creeps. Bring your mase! ...or at least a condom. The stoner channel

Im going to the store. said Brianna. Of course she was going to Price Chopper, not Best Buy.

The All CPU Meter gadget keeps track of CPU usage and your used and available memory. What makes ALL CPU Meter stand out from the crowd is its support for as many as eight CPU cores!

The DriveInfo gadget is available as a free download from Softpedia for your Windows 7 desktop or Windows Vista Sidebar.

The Memeter gadget is also freely available from Softpedia.

This is a pretty basic Windows 7 gadget in that there are no ncy options, but it does what it does well.

The best thing about the Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor gadget for Windows 7 is that it looks cool. You can see available wireless network connections, verify wireless coverage, and lots more in a unique intece.

If your memory, CPU, or battery usage is something you need (or like) to watch, the Memeter gadget will really come i15 Windows 7 Gadgets for System Monitoringn handy.

The CPU Meter Windows gadget for Windows 7 displays two dials - one that tracks your systems CPU usage and another that tracks physical memory usage, both in percentage format.

Below are the best free Windows 7 gadgets (they work in Vista too) that can be used to help keep track of system resources:

The iPhone Battery Windows 7 gadget has to be one of the coolest gadgets around. The battery indicator is an excellent knock-off of the glowing battery level indicator on the iPhone and looks great on a Windows desktop.

System Monitor is very well designed and has numerous options. Nearly every aspect of this gadget is configurable.

If you frequently check the free space available on your hard drives, the DriveInfo gadget will definitely save you some time.

There are several useful configurations available with Network Meter including background color, bandwidth scaling, network intece card selection, and more.

There are only a few options but background color is one of them. That might seem like a small advantage, but if youre a regular user of Windows 7 gadgets, you know that it fit with your desktop scheme is an important ctor.

The System Monitor gadget for Windows 7 is an excellent multifunction monitor. System Monitor can track CPU usage (up to quad core) and RAM usage but also can display internal and external IP addresses, the current time, battery usage, and even has a wireless network monitor.

The Memeter Windows 7 gadget monitors all sorts of things about your CPU, RAM, and battery life. Its a great gadget to use to keep track of the major hardware resources currently being used by Windows.

The System Control A1 gadget is freely available from the gadget developer.

If youre troubleshooting a local network issue or are always checking your external IP, the Network Meter gadget could be very useful.

With the margu-NotebookInfo2 gadget, you can track system uptime, CPU and RAM use,new york asian escorts wireless network strength, Gadgets battery level, and much more.

The System Control A1 gadget is a ntastic resource monitor gadget for Windows 7. It tracks CPU load and memory usage.

The Network Meter Windows 7 gadget provides all kinds of useful information about your wired or wireless network connection like current internal and external IP address, current upload and download speed, total bandwidth usage, SSID, signal quality, and more.

The All CPU Meter gadget is available for free from AddGadget for your Windows 7 desktop or Windows Vista Sidebar.

Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor packs a lot of useful information into a single gadget, maybe too much. For me, the Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor gadget seems a bit heavy with the radar display running all the time and the huge Xirrus logo. Still, its powerful gadget and you might find it really useful.

The best thing about the System Control A1 gadget is that it supports up to 8 CPU cores, it fully compatible with the latest multi-core CPUs. The intece is superb as well which helps balance out the ct that there are absolutely no user options.

The Network Meter gadget is a free download from AddGadget and installs on your Windows 7 desktop or Windows Vista Sidebar.

Windows 7 gadgets can be a lot more than a pretty intece for your clock or news feed. Several Windows 7 gadgets exist solely as system monitoring tools that show constantly updated data about your system resources like CPU, memory, hard drive and network usage.

In a hurry?Take a quick tour of these Windows 7 gadgets to see which ones you like best.

I highly recommend that you try the System Monitor Windows 7 gadget.

The iPhone Battery gadget is free from Softpedia and installs on your Windows 7 desktop or Windows Vista Sidebar.

The margu-NotebookInfo2 Windows gadget has a funny name but its serious about packing a lot of system monitoring into a single gadget.

I also like the quick 1 second update time and well designed graph in All CPU Meter.

If youre on a laptop or other portable Windows 7 device, the iPhone Battery gadget should definitely help you keep a closer eye on your available power.

margu-NotebookInfo2 is put together very well and should be an excellent addition to any Windows 7 or Windows Vista PC.

If you like to keep track of how much memory and CPU is being used at any given time, give the CPU Meter gadget a try.

The DriveInfo Windows 7 gadget monitors the free space available on one or more of your PCs hard drives. It displays the free space in both GB and percentage. The DriveInfo gadget is very easy to configure and is an especially attractive addition to your other Windows gadgets.

With the iPhone Battery gadget, you can also mimic an antique meter, a Duracell battery, among other cool things.

Important: Microsoft no longer supports Windows Gadget development so they can focus on native apps for Windows 8. However, all of the gadgets below are still available, do work with both Windows 7 and Windows Vista, and are completely free to download.

Need Help? See How To Install a Windows Gadget.

The Xirrus Wi-Fi Monitor gadget is a free download from Xirrus.

Independent publisher Kay Stoner has chosen Print-On-Demand supplier Lulu.com as her Preferred Channel for publication and distribution of her monthly minder, The Cycle Calendar.

Ive been publishing independently, on and off, for nearly 20 years, says Stoner, and Lulu.com is the first company Ive found which really puts everything I need at my disposal. I could even produce a book at a public computer at my local library, The stoner channel, if I wanted to. They make it that easy, so long as you have a computer thats connected to the Internet. Ive got plenty of professional book design and production experience, and Lulu lets me put all that to good use, in a very easy and intuitive online process. I have total control over the book content and layout, unlike other independent publishing outlets. Ive found other companies force me to work with their staff, who may or may not understand my vision and priorities. And Lulus print quality is better than what Ive seen other POD folks (and many traditional small presses) produce. Their cover stock is double-coated so it wont curl in humid weather, their weight is substantial, and their inks are clear and have good contrast. I can even produce my own cover art -- or have one of their staffers assist me. Lulu.com makes it easy to publish quality books for alIndependent Publisher Chooses Lulucom as Preferred Publication Channelmost no up-front cost. Plus, their people are always knowledgeable, and they clearly have a commitment to helping people like me produce the kinds of books I want to see in the world. And I never get bogged down in inventory or ordering mechanisms. After searching high and low for print-on-demand services like theirs, and being disappointed time and again, theyre a dream come true for me.

Independent Publisher Chooses Lulu.com as Preferred Publication Channel

The Cycle Calendar is available for $9.96 (plus shipping and handling) at Coil-bound,new york escort 100pages, black and white, with line drawings of everyday women and classic goddesses. 5-years (2004-2008, for accurate recording of valuable (peri)menopausal information thats unique to each woman.

On February 14th, 2005, Stoner sat down with her notes and her sketches of her layout. Two weeks later, she had a proof copy in hand, and by the first week in March, her final product was ready for sale and distribution. The Cycle Calendar is can be ordered at which links to Lulu.com for ordering.

[ClickPress, Thu Mar 17 2005] The Cycle Calendar is a 5-year monthly minder for women experiencing (peri)menopause. Developed as the result of the creators years of body-changes experience, it was produced and published in three weeks on Lulu.com. I had this idea for a perimenopause calendar... one that would let me, and other women, keep track of the different symptoms we experiencing during the change of life over the course of five years, says creator Kay Stoner. I had the idea and immediately knew how I wanted to create it. I also knew about Lulu.com, since I published a novella with them about a year ago, and I was sure I could produce a quality product with them.

Lulu.com allowed Stoner to not only produce her Cycle Calendar, but they also take care of the ordering. Major credit cards and Paypal are accepted, so the publisher doesnt need to set up a shopping cart -- they need only link to their Lulu.com product page. Lulu.com takes care of the rest. Multiple shipping options are available, within the USA and internationally.

Monday, April 22, 2013

As with other decriminalization efforts, the primary thrust of this ruling isnt to lower the number of users, but to reduce the strain on police forces (both in terms of work load and by reducing low-level corruption) and improve access to treatment for abusers rather than jail time.[Toke of the Town - image: Vepar5]

The Stoner Channel: Stunting Plants, Stone on Weed, and Colombia Says Si, Se Puede to Cocaina

Todays judicial ruling in Colombia represents yet another important step in the growing political and judicial movement in Latin America and Europe to stop treating people who consume drugs as criminals worthy of incarceration, Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, told Toke of the Town. It is consistent with prior rulings by Colombian courts before former President lvaro Uribe sought to undermine them, and also with rulings by the Supreme Court of Argentina in 2009 and other courts in the region.

There was evidence that approximately fourteen packages had been delivered to this address from California, and there was also evidence of payments being sent from the suspects to California for the drugs, Baxter County Sheriff John F. Montgomery said in a press statement. [Arkansas Online - Image: The AP]

Ok, so that great idea that you had the last time you smokedyou know, the one about having your buddy in BC just mail you some fine chronic using Fedex or some other such interantional shipping business? ITS The stoner channel The Stoner Channel Stunting Plants Stone on Weed and Colombia Says Si Se Puede to CocainaA BAD FUCKING IDEA. Not only that, its a bad ing idea which enough stoners have tried thatoh hey, big surprisethe Feds are onto it. Too bad that didnt stop two mental midgets in California from trying the scheme for themselves.

I went to Vietnam, and I was there for a long time, he explained. [Using marijuana] made the difference between saying human or, as Michael Douglas said, becoming a beast. Im telling you, its rough and a lot of people in that platoon used it, not on the front line but in the back, to stay in touch with themselves. So,new york asian escort model I look at that time in my life as really much of a life-saver.

According to Poorter, the plants intrinsically sense the edge of the pot and limit the plants growth accordingly. And its not just barley and sugarbeets. The team tested 80 species of plant, all with the same results-double the size of the pot and gain a 50-percent increase in plant size. The most surprising thing is that there seems to be no end to the pot limitation, explained Dr Poorter. For every plant species we looked at, pot size was the ctor limiting its growth. [BBC]

Colombias getting on board the personal use decriminalization train thats sweeping South America. Following Uruguays lead, Colombias Constitutional Court ruled Friday that people found with less than 20 grams of weed and under one gram of coke will receive physical or psychological counseling rather than being prosecutedor even arrested.

Researchers from the Julich research institute in Germany recently trained an MRI machine at the roots of potted sugarbeet and barley in an effort to view water absorption by their roots. The team, led by Dr. Hendrik Poorter, The stoner channel, made a very surprising findpotted plants root systems are rarely as robust as their outdoor bretheren.

Police began investigating Justin J. Bowden, 27, and Idalia Chavez, 23, when they were tipped off that drug parcels were being delivered to a house in Mountain Home, near Altamont Pass in Northern Cali. The cops brought in a drug sniffing dog to inspect a suspect package before it was delivered (presumably it was the delivery man who called in the tip). Inside, the police found 10 grams of herb and some paraphernalia.

Director Oliver Stone is the rounds promoting his new film Savages and stopped by CBS This Morning last Friday. Stones drug use has been a common source of discussion in recent weekswhat with him gracing the cover of High Times and allbut he credits being a pot-smoking hippie in the jungles of Vietnam with keeping him from becoming a beast.

I was a good soldier, by the way, Stone added. I got decorated. I was not a slouch by any means. A lot of guys were like that. We walked out of there relatively whole. A lot of guys were drinking and doing a lot of the killing that I thought was unnecessary - the raping and all that stuff, burning down villages. Guys who did the dope were much more conscious of the value of life.

Funny, that sounds suspiciously like the plot from Platoon. Image: The AP

According to a recent study conducted by the UN, marijuana was the number one drug used, grown, and sold worldwide in 2010. Somewhere in the region of 119 million to 224 million adults toked during that year. Surprisingly, the highest (teehee) user rates actually were in Australia and New Zealand, with the US and Canada taking second place. checkout the full story at Time. Image: Ian R

Stoner, 26, from Australia, is the reigning World Champion with the Repsol Honda Team. He also won the championship in 2007 with the Ducati Team and is one of only five riders to win titles with different manucturers since the World Championship started in 1949.

Tickets for groups of 20 or more also are on sale. Contact the IMS Group Sales Department at (866) 221-8775 for more information.

After a long time thinking, a lot of time talking with my mily and my wife, this has been coming for a couple of years now, but at the end of this 2012 season I will be not racing in the 2013 championship, Stoner said. I will be finishing my career at the end of this season in MotoGP and go forward in different things iFIM MotoGP - Enjoy Stoners Last Go At Indy The stoner channeln my life.

INDIANAPOLIS, May 17, 2012: Red Bull Indianapolis GP ns can see one of the final races of the illustrious motorcycle racing career of two-time MotoGP World Champion Casey Stoner on Aug. 17-19 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, as Stoner announced May 17 that he will retire after the 2012 season.

Information on camping at IMS during the Red Bull Indianapolis GP is available at Hotel package information can be found at visitindy.com/redbull.

2012 tickets: Tickets for the 2012 Red Bull Indianapolis GP MotoGP event,new york asian escorts scheduled for Aug. 17-19 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, are on sale now at , by calling (800) 822-INDY or (317) 492-6700 or by visiting the IMS Ticket Office at the IMS Administration Building at the corner of Georgetown Road and 16th Street between 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (ET) Monday-Friday.

After so many years of doing this sport which I love, and which myself and my mily made so many sacrifices for, after so many years of trying to get to where we have gotten to at this point, this sport has changed a lot, and it has changed to the point where I am not enjoying it. I dont have the passion for it, and so at this time, its better if I retire now.

Stoner won the 2011 Red Bull Indianapolis GP at IMS en route to the championship. He leads the 2012 World Championship by one point over 2010 World Champion Jorge Lorenzo, The stoner channel, 66-65, entering the Grand Prix of France this weekend at Le Mans.

Stoner has won 35 races since his premier-class debut in 2006.

just a interesting ct i guess but in Chicago they replaced all those cars with trucks, idk what truck it is buts its a chevy i think

My dad was a dockworker back in the 90s, they all had white crown vics along with radios a lot like what the police use. Nobody ever drove like a dumbass when we were on the road.

Does anyone else see a load of crown vics and then when they drive by you see that its just a ing taxi service? Or is that just me?

My grandparents have one too, but its not special

Crown Vics were put out of production just recently so there is an influx of new cop cars such as dodge chargers,new york asian escort chevy caprices, The stoner channel, and the ford taurus.

The Ford Crown Victoria is a stThe stoner channel Crown Vicsandard issue cop care pretty much ing every where in the United States.

My mom has a crown vic that used to be an old police cruiser and it has a mustang engine in it, ing love her car

Sunday, April 21, 2013

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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Here is a list from Ranker with 42 pictures of girls hitting bongs. Sexy girls and bong hits are the best.

420 Nurses are some of the iest girls around, check them out

The stoner channel Chronic Babes 420 Stoner GirlsThe Harvest Cup 2011 in Los Angeles was a great event. We meet alot of cool people. One of the best shows was the bikini contest. The girls where all super hot! They should all have won! But only 3 made the cut at the end. Check them out!

Two y 420 Nurses shaking their booty at the Kush Expo bikini contest. I think I am coming down with a case of the green flu and need a nurse now! Check out more y babes at 420nurses.com

I just wanted to remind everyone about all the hot stoner girls at these expos. the booth girls are always hot and the kush girl contest should be another great one! Go check out the expo this year and dont forget your camera. The stoner channel

Here is a new youtube channel that I came across called The Model Stoner. Hope to see some more great videos from this hot stoner babe. Check out her channel at


Here are some videos from the Hot Kush Girl Contest at the Kush Expo in Anaheim last year. This years expo with be July 8,new york asian escort 9, 10th at the Anaheim Convention Center. For more information visit

Nice place to rest your nugs. This babe looks like she could be very cute. I hope she shares those nugs!

Guests included actor Phill Lewis, who plays Mr. Moseby on the Disney Channel series, The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, and the new cast of Really Short Report. Fellow journalist and contributor to FSTD, Bill Desowitz, was there with his two little boys and wife. The guests of honor, Mike and Alyson, arrived on the red carpet leading to the studios mous commissary. Several children were invited, including my daughter Alexandria, whos a huge n of Mikes Super Short Show. They were given an opportunity to be a part of the festivities, including being on-camera for the final show.

Most of Disney Channels shows have a three year lifespan. Im not sure if this is a rule written in stone, but Thats So Raven, an extremely popular show, The stoner channel has ended its run for Cory In The House. Lizzie McGuire was one of the shows that made Disney Channel hip, but it ran its course in a short three years. As the kids on those shows grow up, or at least appear to grow up (some of the cast members range from the teens to their early 30s!), Disney replaces their programming with newer content like Hannah Montana with successful results.

Mike and Alyson were visibly moved. Stoner remarked, This is the last Mikes Super Short Show ever. No more sign offs that say, Now you know, its Mikes Super Short Show!

Many grown ups might not quite understand the shows appeal, but kids love it. After watching it over the years with my daughter, I can see why. Mike plays a kid who loves being silly, while Sally loves to give her brother a hard time. They talk about the latest Disney DVDs. Occasionally, Mike has guests on the show from various movies, or he and Sally attend premieres for Disney movies on DVD like Mary Poppins. The show is lighthearted and the look, from the set to the camerawork,new york escort isnt meant to be super slick. Mike and Sally talk like regular kids who love movies, and I think thats part of the shows appeal for kids. Although the show essentially is only a promo, or at least started as such, its easy to see why its been able to create its own identity and become a mainstay on the Disney Channel.

Inside the commissary where Walt Disney and his staff ate lunch many years ago, Buena Vista Home Entertainment pulled out the stuff that Mike and Sally would love. There were giant video game machines, a karaoke stage where anyone could belt out tunes from High School Musical, foosball, a table where kids could design their own sandals, picture booths, a room where kids could design their own flower pots, tons of food which included mini pigs-in-a-blanket and the set from the show.

Alexandria, ever the trooper, waited patiently to interview Mike and Alyson. She got to ask such probing questions as, Did you really ll on the ice when you were mikes super short show The stoner channelinterviewing Hayden Panettiere? Panettiere, before she became mous on NBCs Heroes, was in Disneys Ice Princess (2005). Alexandria also got Mike and Alysons autographs and a picture with them (see below). For a kid who loves almost everything Disney Channel, she held herself very well and professionally. Not to boast...okay, a little bit of boasting on my part, Im very proud of her being so composed. If it was me at that age, I wouldve been totally nervous talking with celebrities. Heck, I was nervous when I met an actor who played Shazaam on television in the 1970s! But Alexandria handles it with ease.

I was very impressed by both Mike and Alyson when Alexandria and I first met them at the Aladdin event. Weve seen them occasionally at other Disney premieres, and theyve always been very nice to us over the years. We wish them the best in their future endeavors.

Mikes Super Short Show was actually one of the longer running series on the channel. Mike and Alyson were truly kids when they started on the show, and in the past year, Alyson turned 13 and Mike entered high school as a junior. When Alexandria and I met them at the DVD premiere for Aladdin in 2004, they were a lot shorter than they are now! Mikes voice has changed and Alyson has grown into her early teens with grace. If you have children, you know its true that they do grow quickly.

Youve probably seen her as Sarah Baker (the tomboyish sister) on the Cheaper by the Dozen movies with Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt. Alyson also had a recurring role as Max on The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.

I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and have been writing online since 2006. I love writing product reviews, book reviews and hosting giveaways on my blog, ohmygoshbeck! If youre interested in having... View profile

With all this going, its a wonder that Alyson Stoner managed to find the time to create The Alyson Stoner Project at all! But The Alyson Stoner Project is all about one of Alyson Stoners biggest loves - and thats dance! Anyone who knows Alyson and has followed her career knows that dance is a very big part of her life. She even managed to score a couple of appearances on some music videos for Missy Elliot and Kumbia Kings.

Becky Fuentes, Yahoo! Contributor Network

If you happened to watch the popular hit Disney Channel movie, Camp Rock, you wouldve seen her as Caitlyn Gellar along with Demi Lovato and the Jonas Brothers. And of course, Alyson also lends her voice to the popular show, The stoner channel Phineas and Ferb.

You can also keep up-to-date with The Alyson Stoner Project by visiting the official Alyson Stoner Project website at Right now Alyson is running a special contest for her ns to be a part of the upcoming Alyson Stoner Project. All you have to do is submit a dance video of your own to her website. The top five videos will be posted on Alysons YouTube channel and ns will get the vote for their vorites. The top three vorites will all win an appearance on the special features of the Alyson Stoner Project DVD!

The Alyson Stoner Project is going to combine the elements of dance,new york asian escort model backstage interviews, fitness and special celebrity appearances to create one rocking DVD that kids and tweens can watch and get involved with. Alyson has given her ns sneak peeks into everything thats gone on behind-the-scenes to bring The Alyson Stoner Project to life by posting up short teaser and promotional videos on her YouTube account found at

Published by Becky Fuentes

Oct 20, 2008 Share yourWhat is? The stoner channel voice on Yahoo! websites. Start Here.

Fans of Alyson Stoner may have heard about Alysons latest top-secret project, appropriately titled, The Alyson Stoner Project. But it seems that Alysons ns are a bit confused as to what The Alyson Stoner Project is exactly. So read on to get the scoop! First of all, you have to know who Alyson Stoner is. Alyson is another one of those mous and extremely talented Disney stars whos appeared in many movies, Disney Channel shows and even music videos.

Alyson Stoner recently wrapped up another original Disney Channel movie thats due to be released early next year called, Princess Protection Program. She stars alongside a couple of other hot Disney stars, Demi Lovato and her BFF, Selena Gomez of Wizards of Waverly Place.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

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